as i roll over my bed with a taught
some of my friends have found their prince charming
i have taught when will mine come
although from my mouth i say tht
'men are a waste of time, money and brain power'
oh wells.
i've met all kind of guys
there were moments when i was cloud nine
it was just mere clouds i stood upon
they were temporal
i've always stood to believe and desire
a man who'll love and fear God
a man who has God as number one
if tht priority is made right
his heart will have the compassion to love unconditionally
wow... after watching beauty and the beast
i realize love is not wht the eyes can see to love
but wht the heart knws to love
beyonds what stands before you
i had a wonderful chat session with jessica
tht each may have a moment of celebacy to serve God
then God may bring prince charming in
at the right time
i stand by His word
ALL things works for good to those who love Him
and are called according to His purpose
when you are not looking so hard God will bring him by