reach for the sky.
what is beyond the sky?
pass the stars, the moon
feeling the chills down your back
as you stretch out
then.... what can you see?
even if u have come close to the sky
touched the clouds
indeed i would stand in awe
why do movies have villians who desire to be gods?
so wht if one achieve that.
how far can justice be accomplished.
there is already a God who knows best.
the desire to reach for the skies
and the thought if one reached
the place where the sun rise and set
i stand in awe
what i'm reachin to touch is created by my Creator
my superhero
Jesus Christ
my hero lives in me..
i can touch the sky
just a prayer away
... in my heart.by the Creator of the star and sky
what is beyond the sky?
pass the stars, the moon
feeling the chills down your back
as you stretch out
then.... what can you see?
even if u have come close to the sky
touched the clouds
indeed i would stand in awe
why do movies have villians who desire to be gods?
so wht if one achieve that.
how far can justice be accomplished.
there is already a God who knows best.
the desire to reach for the skies
and the thought if one reached
the place where the sun rise and set
i stand in awe
what i'm reachin to touch is created by my Creator
my superhero
Jesus Christ
my hero lives in me..
i can touch the sky
just a prayer away
... in my heart.by the Creator of the star and sky