Saturday, February 9, 2008


my heavy feet treds
my pace follows a rhythm
the ticking of the clock
tells me that time
scales my every memory and doing of past,present,future
search my mind
remininscence of sweet rough moments
friends have come my way
names written on the wall
my light feet treds
my pace follows a rhythm
the summer joy has burst
my burden feet treds
my pace follows a rhythm
the winter cold has descend

the spring life will come


Thursday, February 7, 2008

reasons, solution,questions

there are so many questions in my head.
there are so many things i want to do
but i'm sometimes unable to do the things i want to do, i do otherwise
is it possible that wht u want to do can contend against wht u need to do
thts possible
i want the best for all
but i'm weak to do the best
all i can do is trust and have faith
in my conductor
i want to play music that will inspire and brings people
out of the black and white keys seen upon the piano,
carry away into the melody and journey a song can bring
shout out loudly
whisper softly
tred slowly
stomp quickly
are you still in ur seat
i sit upon the sand, the sun is setting
his rays draws upon the water
are you still in the room
i stand upon the rock, the water is rising
his white sheet hovers over the sea
can i stay away from the world
can i stay in a land
tests, temptation,trials, turmoils
they visit never
how fragile i'll be if so
how futile life'll be if so
if that is so
as the waters covers the sea
the creators love will cover me always
i will stay in the world
i will build my faith on Petra

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

my picture

if i could paint everything all over again let me
if you drop your brush on a sheet
given to u , clear white
paint it well
i want God to hold my brush
if i hold it, i may paint pictures that i would pain to see at the end of it
if God holds it , He will paint my future of hope and purpose
i struggle with my brush
the Lordship over it
i paint a picture of a ship
i sail with people i allow to sail along with me
i would want the best for my shipmates
that we may go to great heights
i will sacrifice,
my compass points by His Word
if i be invited to sit on another ship upon invitation
i would wish to be a crew that will drive the ship to righteousness and faithfulness
if i can't do so
i would leave the ship till i may stand worthy
that God will always be my Lord, captain
that i may sail approved,appointed, annointed.