Saturday, January 16, 2010

human deal

life is described in various way
some call it a rat race with everyone chasing for the cheese
to win the race you have to be fit to exceed everyone
to win the race you have to get lucky for coincidence to favor you
some say life hold treasures
one man's meat another man's poison
what is beautiful to one may not be so to another
everyone has different view of things
a collection of them gives you a library of gems they see to life
should you call someone who things differently from you weird or maybe not right
who has the right to say what is right and what's not.
one would sound rigid and proud to judge what's good and sinful
what does God see in the miilions and billions of people?
no one person is similiar to the other
as an individual you can blend with those 'similiar' to you and alienate those who are 'odd'
will you really miss out if you do so?
you don't feel comfortable with them then what?
selfish me: don't matter, nothin in it for me to enjoy or be satisfied
loving me: the person is unique, i want to be a blessin to tht person if that is what friendship really mean