1 tall caramel macchiato....
locate the experience upon your tongue~
i'm amazed as i work in starbucks there is so much to learn
pretty cool to call out the drinks to the Other partners
seemingly i'm the youngest at the store but here so much more Baristas hiring gee...
tak shock!! chuckles... selfish me.
great oppurtunity can open for me to enrich a persons day one coffee at a time
one smile can bring joy if possible tht i may bring God the glory sharing that
the joy of the LOrd is my strength.
more from me as i journey
my starbucks experience which i may share to many sooon
woohooo... starbucks shld hire me to write for them hahaha....
alll my life
alll that happens to me is in His hands.
obedience is better than sacrifice
as i occupy myself with this job and able to focus on my caregroup members