i am the CAMP COMMANDENT asst.
:P oh well. really glad to see so many youngies comin too.

this is rody. my most beloved teddy bear.isn't he cute,adorable,handsome,attractive.
he is so precious tht even certain 'people' would wanna kidnap him.
then came my sleepless nights.i search high and low till i find him till i find him i seek no slumber.
and soon the evil villian been betrayed i finally found his location.
as the camp went on... i served and i served
learnt great things about the Holy Spirit.
dove,fire,water,wind,earnest,oil -the symbols of the Holy Spirit.
i desired more to Love,Live and Look up to the Holy Spirit.
truly i knw not by might nor by power but by His Spirit i live , serve and love.
then i was prophesied over tht i may be preacher one day as it seem said by ps.bernard thru the Holy Spirit tht as i spoke there were swords and fire comin frm my mouth.
be it an assurance frm my last prophecy tht i be a bold preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
i want to fulfill it.later ps bernard made a joke after the prophecy.pretty interesting.
it's a joke i'm sure....

they are ...delicia,just,letitia,dine,shu ting,rachel,anna,grace,vicky how can i not forget the source of my sleepless nights,,,..elaine chan'evil villian' hehee...
she won't find this oh well....
but she sparks my day.. really special dorm leader.
this is it....yf camp 2007.