wow.. this day has been memorable for me.
i remembered eng kok once said tht it is impossible to keep a friendship.
i always held on tight to one friend really dear to me.
i couldn't let go of her till last year.
i wanted so badly to keep tht friendship.
so badly to keep her, wanting to spend time with her
as it were when i was in assunta.
it was to an extend of hurtin a dear friend God gave me when i went to another school.
i now realize, friends aren't meant to be kept, love is not meant to be held on.
i also learn to be quick to understand slow to judge.
this can stop loads of heartache and fights
friends are for me to touch their heart , encourage and walk with them as our path collide
share Jesus with them, create moments of sweet remininscence.
make out the times we have fun, laughter, tears, dissapointment, silence.
also the Love of God shared between one another.agape love.
when the path soon split
we go separate ways
we may not have anything in common in life anymore.
But God will always be the thing we'll have in common.
His love , our passion for Him.
Goodbye evelyn :) as u fly to US gonna miss u so so much,lil eve.huggiez.
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ReplyDeletehey michy..
ReplyDeleteits true friends come and friends go, and we should really be thankful for the many years of friendship He's given us. lets make the effort to make this friendship He's blessed us with a meaningful one. awaiting tomorrow! :)
hey girl, who's de admirer? *wink*wink* ;D
ReplyDeletethere're friends who come & go, and there are friends who, though separated by time & distance, yet remain forever close to the heart.
Whatever it is, I guess we should appreciate whatever friends God brings onto our path, no matter how long a time we have with them... Quality, not merely quantity ;)
allow anonymous comments la.................
ReplyDeleteyes...no matter how hard I try to hold on to people I love,somehow soem of them don't really want to come close..
faham ar? i tried for a long long long time to keep on holding on to them..then just gave up la..
it's life gua..
when got time ar,come cari me to converse with. =)
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